Nature of Work

Our services are pure consultations on Management and Legal matters. We provide advise, counsel and suggest modes for resolution to our clients.

What do we have to offer?

  • Litigation Services
  • Non-Litigation Services
  • Corporate Services
  • Retainership

Scope of Work

We advise and give legal opinions on specific queries and documentation in relation to various agreements and contracts on certain matters referred and as required by our clients.

Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
Human Resource
Secretarial Due Diligence
Legal Due Diligence (General & Specific)
Title Search/Valuation/Registration of residential properties
Intellectual Property Rights
Cyber Laws
Vetting/Drafting of Legal Documents
Immigration Laws

What We Do


Litigation Services

We attend the following Honorable Courts in India through our Associate Network:

  1. District & State Consumer Court (Hyderabad)
  2. City Civil Courts (Hyderabad, Secunderabad & RR District)
  3. Debt Recovery Tribunal (Hyderabad)
  4. High Court of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

We arrange Advocate-on-Record for Supreme Court also.

Non-Litigation Services

We undertake Alternative Dispute Mechanisms esp. Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation & Conciliation on behalf of the client organization.

Corporate Services

We conduct Due Diligence Search (Secretarial, Legal & Assets) during Mergers or Acquisitions. We represent clients in Civil, Criminal, High Court and DRT Courts (Telangana) by drafting plaints, written statements, affidavits, etc.


We undertake Retainership with client organizations for a minimum period of one year with a renewal option for further periods. The advantages are:

  1. Competitive Retainership charges;
  2. In-house legal representations;
  3. Accessibility of Advocates at call;
  4. Twice a week visit to clients designated place at convenient times;
  5. Collaboration with client for conferences and meetings;
  6. Liaison with authorities for compliance during inspections;
  7. Feedback and appraisal on matters within minimum TAT;
  8. Periodic updates on labour legislation amendments, notifications and on related laws;
  9. Enabling client to focus on core organizational goals & objectives;
  10. Ensuring timely compliance and resolving legal hurdles through liaison;
  11. Awareness mailers on updates on related statutory compliance;
  12. MIS on statutory reports;
  13. Consultation on maintenance of statutory records & registers;
  14. Assistance in claim settlement under labour laws.